Monday 4 July 2016

Mini Drink Haul

Whilst I was out today I popped into Jack Fulton's- a Farmfood's-esque shop that often has good deals on random food products!

One for the fridges had a selection of different things that I decided to try. Provamel Rice-Coconut Milk (60p a carton), Aplro Fusion Soya with Apple and Kiwi (2 for £1) and Foco 110% Coconut Water with Pink Guava (2 for £1).

Alpro Fusion- strange but delicious! It tasted a bit like some obscure candy you would buy abroad but it's definitely something I'd buy again. The first taste as a bit off-putting but it tasted nice in the end.

Having tried and hated Rice milk a long time ago I thought the Provamel would be gross, but I was mistaken. It was ok, I wouldn't rush out to buy it but it's drinkable.

The Foco Coconut water with Pink Guava though is the winner here! It smells a little bit like bathwater but it tastes delicious AND it's super refreshing!

Pure Soya Spread is also delicious- totally gluten and dairy free. The Flora ProActiv Semi Skimmed Milk is for my Mum who suffers with a heart condition and as it's supposed to actively fight high cholesterol, thought she'd give it a go. 

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