Thursday 14 July 2016

Power Boost from Health, Happiness and Horses

(Read to the end to find a super mega discount code!)

Where to start, where to start!

I LOVE this product! It is deliciously chocolatey, and amazing in my breakfast shakes. I've been using it for a week now, and it has really helped with sustaining my energy levels.

The taste is perfect - chocolaty, just sweet enough, and it gives my rather bland tasting Purition shakes much more flavour. When I have added different flavoured Choc Shots it has been amplified yet again - chocolate heaven!

This is what the product has to say for itself:

Power Boost supports weight loss, healthy blood sugar, and lean muscle support through L-glutamine—an amino acid found in your muscles. Not only will you find a myriad of additional benefits, but a delicious cocoa flavor boost as well!

Additionally, Power Boost helps improve protein metabolism, stamina recovery, and branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) amino acids that maintain muscle on a low-calorie diet. These medium-chain triglycerides accelerate conversion and appetite suppression, giving you a convenient way to get the most from your nutrition without sacrificing quality.

I've had a really tough week with fatigue this week (I had waaaay too much fun going to see Stevie Wonder at the weekend!) and this has definitely helped. I had it with my lunch whilst I was at work to help get me through the long days. Each time I had some it had an almost cup-of-tea-like effect, but on my whole body, not just my brain.

As I am a teacher, I like to be active and enthusiastic in my lessons, and even battling fatigue all week, I have managed to get the best out of my students. Unlike other (dreadful!) energy drinks, this doesn't have the effect of disturbing your sleep like Monster, or Red Bull - a definite positive in my books!

The best  part of this product is that it is gluten free, and dairy free! It's made from real foods, with no nasties lurking. It's the perfect supplement to start your day with.

If you'd like to know more, please don't hesitate to contact my friend, Suzanne.

Health, Happiness, and Horses

GUESS WHAT!!!! You can get 15% discount with postage included by using this code:


Make sure you don't miss out!!!

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