Saturday 2 July 2016

Food Review - Alpro Hazelnut Milk

I'm a bit of a nut freak, and I also happen to be dairy-free. Can you imagine how excited I was when commercially made nut milk started hitting the supermarket shelves?! SUPER DUPER EXCITE! That's how much. My favourite nuts are peanuts, hazelnuts, and cashews.

Hazelnut milk was first shown to me by my sister because both of us grew up loving Nutella. She drinks coffee, and assures me that it is a delicious alternative creamer for coffee - think hazelnut latte. I tried it in tea and didn't really like it much. It didn't seem to add much to the drink at all.

I tried drinking it on its own - pretty plain, to be honest. I had about half a carton left and wondered what to do with it, so I stuck it in my daily shake (see here for recipe). That was a success! Added a delicious nutty quality to my chocolatey healthy shake!

I tend not to buy the Alpro Hazelnut as much as I buy other milk (I'm particularly fond of Coconut Dream and Rude Health Coconut) but I do buy the odd one here and there to add a bit of variety to my morning smoothies!

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